Review : Reading Beyond The Lines

 Spirituality is an exploration of the self. It is a never-ending quest for self-knowledge. The study of the inner realm is spirituality. The only time you can describe yourself as a seeker and be ready to go out on a spiritual journey is when your natural pursuit of curiosity touches upon these topics with their profundity.

The book 'Reading Beyond The Lines' is a treatise to consciousness, energy spirituality and healing. The title is certainly bold. Yes, the book isn't perfect. Yes, the topic is quite difficult, and very intelligent people argue about the topic in esteemed publications, etc.

Liyla does, however, have some excellent ideas. Although there were certain parts of this book that were fairly challenging and that I would likely need to reread several times in order to completely understand, overall it was much simpler to read than most publications of philosophy and/or science that tackle the same topics. There were numerous things to consider.

The book is divided into four parts with several sub topics. There was a lot of new information awaiting me, like the concept of three bodies of man (physical body, subtle body, casual body), the human aura, the atma and it's coverings, the work of nadis etc. 

This book is a MUST read if this topic at all interests you (and you are already familiar with the subject). If this is all brand-new topic to you, I advise beginning with something VERY SIMPLE.


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